Monday 15 December 2008

First post

Dear ... who? Diary?, me?, "you"? (whoever you are?) ...

These are the first steps in an experiment on the self. As my research is (in part) about the intentionality of bloggers, it has been pointed out that I perhaps should have a go myself. Despite my better judgement, and more in hope than expectation, I thought I'd launch in.

What will this blog be about? Hmm, no quick answer to that one ... my research, me, blogging in general? A blog about blogs maybe, how very postmodern! ... perhaps a place to note new ideas, a place to put them while they ferment, to later be bottled nicely and presented as thesis quality vintage ... perhaps it won't be about anything, maybe it will die on the vine ... maybe in not being about anything it'd say more about life anyway ...

I have tried to keep a diary three times in my life, as an early teenager, again in my early twenties, and while away travelling ... all three times saw entries of diminishing enthusiasm and length for the first week or two succumb to a gradual stalling, until the inevitable tranch of blank pages, missed days, overtook the endeavour, to be interrupted only by an occassional self-castigating apology. But each time, the thought that I was really only repeating myself. Even when I was away travelling, the thought was always there that I was just (re)telling traveller's stories heard too many times before, told better before, and what then is the point, except as excercise, or as self-indulgence? So the pen gets put away ...

Is there really that much to say anyway? Even if I do keep up this blog, will I just end up counting eggs? I guess we shall see?

(Who is we, anyway? Too many questions!)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, but the questions are equally valid and ought to be written down. :)
